Certified in Emergency Fire Management

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Developing appropriate emergency management and response capabilities is one of nine elements in the RBPS pillar of managing risk. This chapter describes the attributes of a risk-based management system for emergency management. Section 18.2 describes the key principles and essential features of a management system for this element. Section 18.3 lists work activities that support these essential features, and presents a range of approaches that might be appropriate for each work activity, depending on perceived risk, resources, and organizational culture. Sections 18.4 through 18.6 include ideas for improving the effectiveness of management systems and specific programs that support this element, metrics that could be used to monitor this element and issues that may be appropriate for management review.

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Course Content

Module 1

  • Responsibilities for obtaining and managing personnel.
  • Fiscal and facility management.
  • Program planning.
  • Development and maintenance of training schedules.

Module 2

Module 3


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