Certified in Business Ethics

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About Course

This course applies ethical theory and practice to business management. We review different ethical systems, cultural variations, and ways organizations develop and implement ethics programs. A variety of cases and projects are included from many different sources. Cases are used. Written work is required.
Students will be able to:

To develop skills in recognizing and analyzing ethical issues

To define cross cultural variations and similarities in organizational practices in corporate social responsibility and business ethics

To understand sources of organizational ethical culture and deviant behavior

To design ethical programs designed to accomplish specific objectives in organizations

To develop ethical leadership skills

To develop skills in recognizing and analyzing ethical issues and present this analysis in written form

To understand cross cultural variations and similarities in organizational practices in corporate social responsibility and business ethics

To diagnose sources of organizational ethical culture and deviant behavior

To design ethical programs designed to accomplish specific objectives in organizations

To develop ethical leadership skills and practices

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Course Content

Module 1

  • Introduction to Business Ethics
  • Why are Ethics in Business Important?
  • Ethics in the Workplace

Module 2

Module 3


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