Certified in Energy Management

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About Course

Many definitions have been offered for “energy management”. One definition that Captures the key principles is as follows:

“The judicious and effective use of energy to maximize profits (that is, minimize costs) and enhance competitive positions.” Therefore, any management activity that affects the use of energy falls under this definition. The primary objective of energy Management is to maximize profit and minimize costs by optimizing energy procurement and utilization, throughout the organization to minimize energy costs Without affecting production and quality and to minimize environmental effects.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Overview of Energy Management Systems
  • Topics Covered Include
  • What is an Energy Management System?
  • Benefits of Energy Management System
  • Business Case
  • Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)
  • Case Studies on Energy Management System
  • A Tour of the U.S. Department of Energy- Energy
  • Portal guide
  • Project Planning and Management.

Course Content

Module 1

  • Improve Energy Management
  • Reduce Cost and Consumption

Module 2

Module 3


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