Certified in Front Line Retails Selling Skills

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About Course

If you try to sell your product or service without keeping the customer in mind, you will not be very successful. Even if you know your product inside and think you have mastered selling techniques, you will not be a really effective sales person until you consider the customer experience throughout. Considering how the customer feels and makes decisions throughout the buying process, is essential if you want to develop a two-way RELATIONSHIP. This is one of the key points in this two-day selling skills course specifically designed for front line retail sales professionals.

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What Will You Learn?

  • By the end of this training course participants will be able to:
  • Explain what motivates customers (logical and emotional) to buy or continue to use a service.
  • Connect with customers, overcome objections, and close sales efficiently and confidently.
  • Use an effective sales questioning technique that will increase sales.
  • Follow a simple five step sales process to make the best out of each customer interaction.

Course Content

Module 1

  • Introduction: Linking sales and customer service
  • Create the opportunity

Module 2

Module 3


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