About Course
Mechanical drafters prepare layouts that show the details for a wide variety of machinery and mechanical tools and devices, such as medical equipment. These layouts indicate dimensions, fastening methods, and other requirements needed for assembly. Mechanical drafters sometimes create production molds.
Trained & Skillful persons play a vital role in the modern life because of
technological development. This curriculum of two year duration consisting of
four semesters is revised keeping in view the local job market demand &
Industrial requirements. Further, more focus is made on practical along with
necessarily required theoretical knowledge through working information of
preparing drawings for parts / assemblies of different industrial machines
including use of drawing & measuring tools safely, developing of manual
drawing works computer Aided manufacturing, various computer software,
preparing of job sheets & Auto CAD for making drawings along with ethical
Course Content
Introduction to Mechanical Draftsman
Technology – I
Welding Practice – I
Measuring & Inspection – I
Engineering Drawing – I
Technical Math-I
Functional English