Certified in Modern Methods of Teaching

Categories: Eudcation
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About Course

This course is an introduction to teaching methods used in primary schools. Because you have been a primary school student, you will recognize some of these methods. However, you know them from a student’s perspective rather than from a teacher’s perspective.

Teaching methods are often divided into two broad categories: teacher-centred methods (also called direct instruction) and learner-centred methods (also called indirect instruction or inquiry-based learning). An effective teacher knows several methods, some teacher-directed and others learner-directed. From among these methods, a teacher selects the one method or combination of methods most likely to achieve a particular lesson’s objectives with a particular group of students

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What Will You Learn?

  • This is your first opportunity to study teaching and, to a lesser extent, learning in school. You will soon learn that there are several sources of knowledge about teaching and learning, and you will be introduced to these sources. Because you have years of experience as a student but are only beginning to study teaching, this course will provide you with the opportunity to experience school with a focus on the teacher

Course Content

Module 1

  • Sources of information about effective teachers
  • Sources of information about learning in school
  • Sources of complexity in the classroom
  • Managing a crowded space
  • Working with groups and individuals
  • Managing different activities occurring at the same time
  • Diversity among children
  • Managing scarce resources
  • Coping with unexpected events

Module 2

Module 3


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